Blog, Wellbeing

Ready To Re-Enter The Real World?

April 12, 2021
Jen Grieves looking up with a bright blue sky behind her

Today’s a hopeful day for England as lockdown restrictions finally start to ease (again) 💛

It’s so heartwarming to watch London come back to life. The shutters are open and the floors are swept and the shelves are stocked and the windows are clean and I’m personally bloody jazzed at the prospect of going to a restaurant, guesstimating my carbs and invariably calculating my insulin doses a bit wrong.

Life with type 1 diabetes can be a rough ride, but personally and globally it doesn’t compare to riding through the last few months of lockdown, which has absolutely banjaxed my blood sugars. But today there is a sense of lightness in the air. There’s serious, serious stuff still happening of course, but strolling to a neighbourhood restaurant and spending a little too long at dinner, a little too much on good wine, being able to sit in good company and laugh carelessly without having to cut your rendezvous short because you need a wee and your feet are cold and you’ve spent the whole time walking in circles without being able to make much eye contact, with nothing much to talk about because nothing new is really happening is a possibility again, and it’s a potent one. Buzzy chatter! People watching! Frivolity! Spontaneous laughter! Supporting local businesses!

I am going to take it steady though, as lockdown has reinforced some boundaries which can only be a good thing. Stepping out into the world has felt overwhelming at points, and I think like with much of the past year all we can do is take each day as it comes, and feel whatever it is we’re feeling. But Christ it’s nice to finally have some stuff in the diary that doesn’t involve Zoom.

So here’s to looking after each other, and gently and safely making the most of this new chapter in this wild, tedious, hellish ride (and hoping it lasts), but also not returning to running at 100mph trying to fit in lots of things we don’t actually want to do to please people who don’t really matter. Happy Monday folks. I’m off to eat some carbs that I haven’t made myself.

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