Blog, Type 1 Diabetes, Wellbeing

Using Dexcom Clarity To Help Blood Sugar Perspective

August 13, 2019

Presenting… two days of blood sugars from my @dexcom, two days apart #gifted. ⁣

Dexcom Clarity summary
On the first I was working probably the most exciting and important day I’ll work this year. The second I’d flown home; tired, happy and fulfilled after nine weeks away. This happens every time I come off a show – instantly. My body begins to let go, to decompress, to chill the jeff out and the reduced cortisol level has an immediate impact on my blood sugars as a type 1 diabetic. I knew the last day would be full on, and I also got free and easy on the chocolates because it was a celebratory day and sometimes I’m just that girl that moans about getting puffy from catering but eats seconds and THEN dessert anyway.⁣

It was a day I knew would likely require a lot more insulin, and would present a much more uneven wiggle of a CGM line, even before you begin to take the snack attack into account. The amount of alarms alone is really quite spectacular, and the day in between was a hypo frenzy as my body immediately wound down. ⁣Chemicals, hormones, endorphins and serotonin and insulin and stuff… it’s a trip, even more so when you have the incredible technology that enables you to see the impact of it at five minute intervals.

The point is, I just went with it because I knew it was just one day, and I had a job to do, and not every day can be stress free or smooth.

It’s the bigger picture; it’s the rough days where diabetes just has to take a back seat, it’s the awareness that days like that are situational and circumstantial and they happen and that’s ok. It’s the letting perfection slide to allow space for the serious business you’re busy achieving, whatever that may be.⁣

Also: Dexcom Clarity is legit the first time I’ve stepped back to look at patterns in my diabetes management, ever. I get a weekly email with my time in range, and if I want to know more I dig into the app for five minutes – arguably a much better use of my time than scrolling through Instagram but hey, here we are and thanks for scrolling because this is a long ol’ way down.

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