Dexcom’s got a brand new swag!
I bring you this effortless and not in any way random sofa salsa pose to show off my Dexcom*’s new home, as the G6 continuous glucose monitor is now approved for wear on the back of the arm, as well as for use during pregnancy. So I’ve popped my latest sensor there to give it a try. I’m not a big fan of my using my arms as a site for my insulin pump, but the Dex is a lot smaller so I can tuck it away underneath which should suit me juuuuust fine, as funnily enough this isn’t a pose I strike too often… ok ok, it is.
She’s sitting there very comfortably at the moment and it’s just really nice to give my stomach, which has been dutifully carrying either one or both of my type 1 diabetes gadgets for a very long time now, a break. I’m pleased to say I haven’t caught it on any door handles or window ledges just yet… Where do you wear your diabetes gadgets?
*My Dexcom G6 is gifted as part of the Dexcom Warrior programme.

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