Blog, Type 1 Diabetes

Frio Cooling Wallets: Giveaway

March 9, 2016

**Please note this giveaway is now closed**

Woohoo, free stuff!!

I’m here to talk about Frio wallets.

What’s a Frio wallet, you cry wimper quietly wonder?

Frio is a company that helps to keep your insulin cool in hot temperatures. Sounds nifty, mostly because it is. Many products in this world vie for our attention, but this one I’m more than happy to talk about because there’s not a lot else out there that fulfils this absolute need as a type 1 diabetic. Granted, cooling insulin is not something us Brits generally have to worry about on the daily, aptly illustrated by the fact that I’m typing this as the snow falls outside.


Hey, global warming called and left a message: We’re screwed.

O-zone issues aside, many people may be aware that insulin gets a bit funky when it gets too hot. So when you’re travelling on holiday, these babies can be a bit of gem when it comes to making sure you’re keeping your insulin doses effective, and thus not completely screwing your blood sugar levels.

You probably don’t recall me mentioning these bad boys when I hoofed it around Australia for three weeks, mostly because it was three years ago and you have better things to worry about.  Here’s the verdict = winner. I discarded my Frio on my return to England as it was more than a little bit sad about life, but to be fair I’d pretty much tested it to its limits thanks to the 50 degree heatwave that chased us up the East Coast. Plenty of people I’ve spoken to online have used the same wallet for multiple trips, so basically just don’t be as feral as me when on holiday.

Hamilton Island btw = where paradise went to heaven. SRSLY.

Frio have expanded their range to include some other bits to keep your other bits cool.

So to get to the point (200 words later), Frio have expanded their range to include some other bits to keep your other bits cool.

Not those bits. Come on. You’re better than that.

Ok you’re not. And that’s why I love you.

The Science Bit

  • All Frio cooling products are British made.
  • The wallets are activated by soaking the removable insert in cold water – at which point the cooling crystals form a gel, which will last for 45 hours minimum.
  • Once it gets too hot, simply put it back in cold water and it will crystallise again. For those not paying full attention: that makes the products reusable.
  • The cooling wallets are the world’s first patented cooling wallet for diabetics. Nice.
  • They’re FDA registered, which makes them sound pretty fancy.
  • In-use insulin is safe in a Frio for up to 28 days.

Here’s something that may interest you: insulin is ‘safe’ between 18-26 degrees, despite the fact we’re told to store our insulin in the fridge. So if it’s kicking around in your handbag for up to a month, you’re going to be ok unless you’re in the Caribbean, in which case one of these wallets might just come in handy as you sip Piña Coladas and take walks in the (tropical) rain, etc.

What’s new?

Aside from the traditional cooling wallet, purses and travel cases, Frio now offer a drinks cooler and a cosmetic wrap, which both work on the same principle. This is a very logical step, seeing as there’s other stuff besides insulin that doesn’t take well to heat.

*What’s that, a world outside type 1 diabetes!?*


Frio Product Image frio_drinkscooler2_1024x576 frio_insulincooler_1024x576 frio_wrap_1024x576

So here’s the fun bit… I thought I’d give these products I was kindly sent away, because that’s nice, isn’t it?

Want some Frio goodies and a more-than-likely socially inappropriate but personally written note from me? All you have to do is take to Twitter and tell me your most hilarious or awkward life moment, diabetes-related or otherwise, including the hashtag #mjgfrio so I can find them. I know, I know, diabetes is a very serious condition, but let’s have some fun for once. Awkward moments have kept this blog going for years now.

I’m not asking you to subscribe, I’m not asking you to post any of my stuff. I just want to laugh.

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. The closing date is Friday 18th March 2016, when I will pick the tweet that makes me chuckle the most. Humour pays, people. I’ll then DM you for your address, and I’ll send you all the stuff pictured in the image below which is everything I was sent: an insulin cooling wallet, two water coolers, and a make-up wrap. I didn’t specifically ask for pink, btw.

Frio Cooling Wallets

If you don’t respond within a week, I will pick someone else.

Happy hashtagging you beauts! Let me know your experiencing of using Frio wallets and whether you deem them to stand the heat. Enter aswell, it’ll be fun!

1 Comment

  • Reply Martin Halliday March 9, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    Hi Jen
    Much as I have been told to cool insulin, in practice I travel around the world for 8 months a year. In all that time (over 20 years) I have never cooled my insulin. It is really not a problem that your readers should worry about for the average 2/3 week trip in higher temperatures. My recent trips to Peru, Egypt, Costa Rica, Spain, Cuba, Arizona desert, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India were all high temperature trips in the plus 30 deg. Absolutely no noticeable affect on my insulin or blood sugar levels.
    You have more than enough to think about without limiting your travel and lifestyle than worrying about cooling insulin which unnecessary and is mostly driven by pure commercial interests. Just enjoy life !

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