Blog, Body Image, Travel, Type 1 Diabetes

Insulin Pump Body Confidence

July 8, 2018
woman wearing a bikini

I spy with my little eye… a rather tragic cabin tan… but no visible insulin pump!

In ‘real life’ I generally wear my Omnipod across my stomach where no unsuspecting tinker can bash it, but being by poolside with new work colleagues is weird enough without throwing a conspicuous plastic white box into the mix; one which has a knack for reflecting the Mallorcan sun and almost blinding said colleagues in the process. It’s not subtle.

I feel very strongly about owning my type 1 diabetes and have never felt ashamed of the awesome effort I have to make to keep myself literally ticking along, but sometimes it’s nice not to encourage those second glances, especially after an 11 hour day when you’re very much done talking, yougetme? With the Dexcom taking up new space on my tummy as well (not pictured here), my insulin pump has been testing out a second home of late. On the side of my torso, just beneath my bra strap, far enough round that I don’t put pressure on it at night, which by happy accident is oh-so-cunningly positioned to sit snugly under the band of this bikini (which happens to make me feel like a goddess: INTO IT).

Whaddaya know, the Omnipod holiday home is really, really working for a girl. Just like my tummy, it’s a spot where this clumsy donut would have to pull out some wildly overzealous moves to knock it out of place. Not unlikely.

Side note: I almost wrote ‘pimp’ instead of pump approximately 489 times there, which would give this photo a whole new meaning. 😳

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