Body Image, Type 1 Diabetes, Videos, Wellbeing

VIDEO: Type 1 Diabetes and Mental Health

June 16, 2016
type 1 diabetes and mental health

It’s Diabetes Week. Hooray?

It’s great that the focus this year is clearing up misconceptions, dispelling myths and setting the record straight. Education, always.

So I’ve made a little video around a topic I feel very passionately about: how living with type 1 diabetes impacts your mental health.

I’ve written a long and passionate post on the subject here, and I just think there needs to be greater emphasis on the fact that this is a mental condition as much as it is a physical one. I strongly believe that if this was addressed, the numbers would improve, and we potentially wouldn’t have the highest HbA1c figures in Europe. Potentially.

I’ve spoken out to hopefully open up the conversation a bit more, so if this resonates with you please do let me know. I know there’s a ton of things I’ve missed off and I’m also no expert in psychological care, so please excuse that. Overall though, I hope this helps to set the record straight.

You guys rock. Remember that.


  • Reply kathryn June 20, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    You do an incredible job of explaining exactly how I feel, thanks !
    I agree this is such an important subject to raise.
    I got a libre 10 days ago, for which I must also thank you ( THANKYOU) and your post on the subject. It is truly life changing already. Having previously been that person who never talks to anyone about it (diabetes). Ever. I suddenly find myself this week contributing to all kinds of internet groups and discussions. I’m peeking through doors I would have previously kept double bolted. Feeling braver. Thank you x

    • Reply missjengrieves July 6, 2016 at 9:41 pm

      Hey Kathryn, so sorry for the delay in replying to such a lovely comment! Thank you so much for commenting, I’m SO happy you’re feeling more confident about your diabetes, I really appreciate that it’s not something everyone wants to shout about but in my opinion it makes you an absolute badass!! How are you finding the diabetes online world? And the Libre? I’ve had a couple of sensors for the past month and I’ve learned so much from it. I hope you are finding the same. Keeping learning and contributing, I’m sure you in turn are helping others too! xxx

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